Goalie Equipment

Additional Equipment

While we encourage players to purchase their own equipment, Saint Margaret's Bay Storm Lacrosse understands that goalie equipment costs can add up.

As such, Storm Lacrosse loans the following goalie equipment:

Chest and arm protectors;

Leg guards;

Neck guard (shown as throat guard below); and

Goalie Stick (spoon shape, not wall)


Storm Lacrosse does not provide:

Helmet and facemask;

Gloves; and

Goalie pants


Additional Equipment

Saint Margaret's Bay Storm Lacrosse will provide the following, with a security deposit, to our players:

  • Storm shorts (provided in U11/13/15/17)
  • Storm jersey (provided in U11/13/15/17)


Where do I find lacrosse equipment?

If you're looking for lacrosse gear, you have a few options. Big box stores like Cleve's, SportChek and Pro Hockey Life have limited selection but you will find gear there. If you're looking for more expertise and selection, we recommend SportWheels (www.sportwheels.ca) for your equipment. If you're looking to have your head restrung, we recommend the McDonald brothers at Eleget. If you need direction, please don't hesitate to reach out to stormlacrosseequipment@gmail.com for guidance.

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