Division Information

Metro Minor Lacrosse League (MMLL)

Division Birth Year Cost Games
U7 Coed (Mini-Tyke) 2019-2021 $225 *
U9 Coed (Tyke) 2017-2018 $225 *
U11 Coed 2015-2016 $395 14
U11 Female 2015-2016 $395 14
U13 Coed 2013-2014 $410 14
U13 Female 2013-2014 $410 14
U15 Coed 2011-2012 $410 14
U15 Female 2011-2012 $410 14
U17 Coed 2009-2010 $460 14
U17 Female 2009-2010 $460 14

Please note that the games shown are regular season games only.

* Tykes and Mini-Tykes will practice 1-2 times per week with an end of the year jamboree.

We will be working to arrange jamboree options with other associations throughout the season


Practice and Game Schedule

Practice schedules will not be announced for 2-4 weeks as we await confirmation of floor time schedule from HRM.

Practices schedules for U11-U17 will be subject to change from 

Game schedules will not be announced until late April as the Metro Minor Lacrosse League does not start scheduling until all associations close registration.


MMLL Playoffs

Playoff game are included in the cost and will commence following regular season play.

Playoff games are tentatively scheduled to complete no later than July 20th.


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